Monday, March 8, 2010

Car Shopping

I honestly think that my life is a sitcom sometimes. Things that happen to me, do not happen to normal people! On Friday, after work, I decided to go car shopping. I started off at the Nissan dealership, because I already have one and figured I could get a good deal. I walk in and this awkward guy comes right up to me. He asks what I am looking for, and then we head out to the lot. Within 10 minutes, we are in the Rouge doing a test drive. He is already acting like we are best friends. He is texting his friends, answering phones calls, checking facebook on this iphone. He keeps chatting with me like I know him, and his friends. All the while, I am trying to be nice, figuring at least I can get a good deal if I decide I want the car. He ends up turning the radio on and "Single Ladies" comes on. He starts singing it and using his phone as a microphone, trying to get me to sing into as well. Seriously!? Where is a camera when I need one?! Needless to say, he did give me a really good deal, but I hate the Rouge, it is a total piece of crap. Than, I try and get out of the place to hit up happy hour, and he finds out where I live through my address. He than tells me about how he is trying to live in my apartment building and wants to know if he can use my name to get the discount. (At least I get $500 bucks if he signs a lease)

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